Git setup for multiple organisations

Dynamically use different Git Email

How many times have you accidentally committed something with a gmail address to a customer repository?

I wanted to get my commit messages sorted once and not need to worry about it again, so I set out trawling the inter-webs.

My requirement

The local repo structure I have is something like:

I wanted all repositories within the "Github Organisation / User" to be have specific settings like `` and signing to be specific to that section

The solution

Setting up a base .gitconfig and then conditional email based on the folder of the repository.


[gpg "ssh"]

program = /Applications/


format = ssh


gpgsign = true


name = Richard Keit

[includeIf "gitdir:~/git/personal/"]

path = .gitconfig-personal

[includeIf "gitdir:~/git/work/clientA/"]

path = .gitconfig-client-a



email =

signingkey = ssh-ed25519 AA..

In action

As I use 1Password both professional and personally, I opted to config new SSH keys for signing and authentication to Github - as we can see from the "gpg 'ssh'" section of my `.gitconfig` file.

1Password allows for biometric unlocking, which means the SSH keys are never persisted on disk - which is a great win. Make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the 1Password CLI if this is not working

As we can see on Github, my commit has been signed successfully.

1Password also has the same write up here which is was very helpful, when I found it afterwards